Monday, March 17, 2008

Has Anyone Seen My Shillelagh?

Welcome back! I think it is time to have a little fun. Today is St. Patrick’s Day and I’m Irish. If that were not reason enough, we have been hitting the books pretty hard in the last few posts. It is time to take a break and talk about fun stuff. With that said, let’s get a proper start to the day:

Top o' ye mornin' ter ya! Dust aff yisser shillelagh, be wearin’ somethin' green, an' dance ter a 'appy Oirish jig for a bit. Jist mind de wee people are aboyt an' 'ill be up ter mischief. That is why yer 'av de shillelagh 'andy in case any shud git close enoof dat yer might git a craic at dem wee buggers! Dare nigh, oi fale better already!

Well now, I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did . . . . .

I was out driving one of my favorite routes this last weekend - traveling up Highway 78 from Ashby and then across Highway 38 over to Highway 5 leading to Clitherall. It was mid-afternoon and the blue skies made for a spectacular backdrop as I traveled this especially hilly blend of fields and woods. The air temp was still a little cool – probably in the teens but the warmth of the sun was so great it caused bare-dirt fields to steam heavily.

Traveling north on Highway 5 I spotted six or seven Whitetail Deer comfortably grazing in an alfalfa field. They were probably a little more than a half-mile distant and were enjoying the exposed alfalfa that had – until this last week – been buried under a deep blanket of snow.

Later in the afternoon I went for a walk with Nikita, my Golden Retriever, just east of Fergus Falls. We were on a tract of land purchased by the Fergus Falls Fish & Game Club. The property includes benches along the way for a rest – if needed – and also has a very fine shelter located in the parking area. As we walked across the native prairie grass geese flew low overhead – trumpeting the arrival of our dear, old friend – SPRING!

Nikita and I just took it all in. I stopped for a moment to watch the continuous succession of small goose flocks passing overhead in waves. Then I turned slightly to better view the setting sun melt into a fiery display of red and golden hews. I thought to myself, ‘What a wonderful world.’ This is West Central Minnesota. A place where Canadian Geese and Trumpeter Swans gather on the open water of the Otter Tail River, a land glittered with literally 1,000’s of lakes, and a land where friendships grow strong. It is the place I am so privileged to call ‘home’.

Well, that is about all I have for now. I hope you enjoyed this read a bit more than the last post on 'Dual Agency' but, all things have their time and place on my REAL blog. Today it is snowing again. Spring feels a bit more distant. I need to remember it is only March and, as she is so prone to, Mother Nature is about her own form of Minnesota 'March Madness.'

In closing:

'May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall softly on your fields
And until we meet again, May God hold
you in the hollow of his hand.'
- Traditional Irish Blessing

Thanks for stopping by.


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